My website is on the first page of many search engines for the search query “Russian brides”, and as a result I receive lots of requests for interviews from journalists from all over the world, and the question they invariably ask is: “Why do western men look for Russian women?”
So let me once and forever explain the reason why thousands of western men flock to Russia in search of their love partner.
The answer is straightforward: In Russia they are likely to meet a partner of better quality than in their own country!
They are NOT particularly looking for a Russian woman – but they are looking for a better quality woman!
But why is it possible?
I know what you are thinking: you assume that it is because Russian women are desperate to escape from Russia.
Well, such thinking is pure ignorance.
Check out the websites of American expatriates living in Russia (yes, there is a huge community of Americans permanently living in Russia, with their own newspapers and websites!) and you will confirm what I am saying is true: Russian women who seek partners abroad do so because they want to meet a suitable partner that they have failed to meet at home. They are not looking to immigrate. They are looking to find their love!
Hard to believe?
Read on, I will explain.
The fundamental reason for that lies in Russian demographics.
You know that men to women ratios differ dramatically between the Russia and the West.
For example, the latest figures from The Economist show that in United Arab Emirates there are 186 males for 100 females. It’s clear the competition for eligible females should be strong there. If you are a single male, The Emirates will be the last place in the world to look for an available woman (unless you live there, of course .
Now, what is the best place for a single male to score?
Let’s look at the world statistics again.
The lowest men to women ratios are in Eastern Europe!
Countries like Russia and Ukraine are on the top of the list, with only 88 males to 100 females.
The latest Russian census provided astounding figures of 10 million more women than men.
There the situation is exactly the opposite way around: eligible bachelors are more precious than gold.
So if you were a single male, exploring your dating options in Russia would make perfect sense!
One wise man said: “Craziness is to do the same thing yet expecting a different result.”
If you ever grow tired of your local dating market, or would like to expand your opportunities, check out the Russian Online Dating Sites: you will be stunned what kind of women can be available for you there!
By Elena Petrova, Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.